Bloom’s taxonomy, classification of problems in mathematics, textbook on mathematicsAbstract
Problem solving is the most common activity of students in teaching mathematics. The paper provides a brief description of the concept of a mathematical task and its role in teaching. A classification of tasks in the teaching of mathematics depending on its cognitive complexity was also made. The aim of the paper was to check how much the tasks in the textbook “Mathematics 4“ are aimed at active learning of mathematics by students. Bloom’s taxonomy with its six levels of cognitive processes served us in this. The textbook was also analyzed from the aspect of classification that is commonly used in the initial teaching of mathematics, and which was introduced by Josip Markovac. Insight into the results, it can be easily concluded that they are not fully in line with modern teaching and do not cover all levels of cognitive processes. Numerical tasks related to factual knowledge, including the lowest levels of cognitive processes, are mostly present in textbooks, while tasks that encourage students to use higher thought processes are omitted.
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