Creativity, giftedness, preschool child, role of educator, environmentAbstract
The theme "The role of educators in the development of creativity in preschool children" justifies its implementation and processing due to the great changes that have occurred in socio-economic development, which have initiated thinking about the key role of educational theory and development, with an emphasis on the importance of development creativity in children, i.e. individuals who are initiators of social changes and creators of productive ideas that leave a mark on the entire human culture. At the transitional stages of social development, during the period of reorganization of educational systems, the problem of creativity becomes especially relevant through scientific research and its implementation. In order for the educational system to keep pace with rapid technological and technical progress and adapt to society, it is necessary to work on improving the quality of education. Creative individuals are the ones who drive social development forward, and society's task is to activate passive creative potentials in people. Today, there is an increased interest in the study of creativity, starting with the problem of identification, training and development of the creative and gifted, and up to the preparation of educators to work with them. The first researches started with the problems that make it difficult for children to express their creativity, then the emphasis was placed on the possibilities of practicing and building creativity, while in recent times priority is given to the characteristics that make creativity and the condition for their development.
Great attention is given to creativity as a factor that affects the development of a child at an early age. Many educators are aware of the need to encourage creativity and that it is their duty. At an early age, in children, there is potential creativity that they do not express yet. That is why it is necessary to design work programs through which the development of children's potential will be maximally encouraged. This paper talks about the influence that the teacher has on the development of creativity in preschool children.
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