Ekologija, odgoj i obrazovanje, nastavni plan i orogram, osnovna školaAbstract
Today's humanity is faced with major environmental problems, such as: global climate change, water and air pollution, drinking water shortage, soil degradation and destruction, increasing production of waste and its inadequate disposal, irrational consumption of natural resources, etc. In the time of global ecological of the crisis, education and training for environmental protection is set as the most important task, because it most directly affects the creation of ecological awareness and ecological behavior. Elementary school education is a key period in a person's life, and it is very important to lay the foundations for a correct attitude towards the world around us in time. During this period, children become ecologically literate and aware people, and it is the development of ecological thinking in modern upbringing and education that is extremely important. Natural sciences have a really great importance in the development of society, because it prepares students for action in a world where the thought of ecology and ecological awareness are nurtured. Thus, knowledge from the natural sciences enables students to apply it in everyday life, and such knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding the interdependence of natural systems and man's place in them. However, do we really pay enough attention to environmental education today? The aim of the work is to determine the representation of the content and activities of environmental education in the schools of the Tuzla Canton by analyzing the curricula and programs in the subjects of natural sciences in elementary school.
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