Manager, CommuinicationAbstract
The main task of middle managers is that translates company strategy into action and results. In this context, they are responsible for execution and a link between the plans and the results achieved. To be successful in your business, mid-level managers need to possess certain skills, or a set of specific skills that result from the knowledge, information, practices and talents. Management skills can be summarized in four categories: - conceptual skills - the skills of working with people, - technical skills - skills of design. Although owning a conceptual skills is most important for top managers is inevitable that the mid-level managers have good work to master them. The conceptual skills are the ability of cognition company as a whole and how it fits into the environment, recognition of the important elements in a situation and understand the relationship between these elements. As such, they involve the ability of managers to contemplate, processes the information and plans, as well as the ability of strategic thinking which is based on a systematic approach. Skills of working with people are equally important for all levels of management, and therefore for mid-level managers. Possession of adequate communication skills is a necessity for any modern manager. Just open, efficient and harmonized communication, as well as extensive knowledge of this phenomenon can be the basis for achieving and making the right decisions, as well as the achievement of the desired performance of the business. As is well known from the everyday environment, which is consistent with most recent research, as a key element of employee satisfaction and their performance stands out the quality of the relationship manager with his team. Successful middle managers help their subordinates to stay focused on the primary tasks giving them instructions on what is expected of them and what is important. In addition, they are responsible for the continuous transmission of information about the job not only subordinates, but also top managers.
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