
  • Amra Imširagić
  • Rahim Gadžić Internacionalni univerzitet Brčko Distrikt
  • Huso Kulović
  • Mirela Hodžić




inclusion, competences, teachers, students with special educational needs


The problems of modern education and upbringing have a high social significance. The current process of reform changes in education is necessary to be in line with transitional and educational educational flows. The basic resource of the development of society is functional knowledge, therefore the reform of the education system has become the primary strategic task in the world, but also with us. Inclusive education is an integral part of the reform of the educational system and the current problem of all teachers who have found themselves in this process unprepared, with no or minimal professional competence. Bearing in mind that in recent years inclusive education has been an actual topic in our country, the question arises: How do teachers fulfill their professional obligations? Of crucial importance is the training of the teaching staff for the quality realization of the inclusive process.

Competencies for the 21st century, which are categorized into four areas of teaching competency for inclusion, can be recognized to a large extent in emotional, social competences such as empathy, altruism, respect for the other and the other, supporting others, respecting diversity, tolerance and democracy. for inclusive education, one subgroup of competences is the diversity of instruction in teaching, which refers to planning the teaching process in this way to suit learners with special educational needs. Competences are very important for the implementation of inclusive education, they are embedded in a group of competencies related to the professional skills of teachers, among which they are particularly prominent: teachers’ belief that all students can learn, respect for students as an individual, respect for the dignity of each student; persisting in helping children achieve success; and respect for diversity.


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How to Cite

Imširagić, Amra, Rahim Gadžić, Huso Kulović, and Mirela Hodžić. 2019. “SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES OF THE TEACHER FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION”. NIR 1 (15):75. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2019.15.75.


