school, teaching, pupils, teacher, education, knowledgeAbstract
School and education School and education have changed through history in accordance with the needs of society and in accordance with the time it took place. Recently, they have been revolutionary changes in society and all spheres of human activity. Education is massively and varied at all levels, and the modern world is overwhelmed with a large number of information whose value is suspicious, unrelated, and scientifically unfounded. In todays time the school today should enable every individual to show all their creative potentials and to contribute to their own development and development of the society they live in. The problem is that most contemporary schools are not modern in practice, but work on traditional principles and methods where there is still equal aproach for all students regardless of their abilities. Students are given the finished contents through the frontal form of work at the expense of student creativity, inventiveness, and work in groups or paires. Monomethodism is present.
Communication between students and teachers is autocratic, neglecting creativity, research, self- learning or student activity. Stuent is the object of teaching, which often results in frustrations and experiencing the school as a compuslion, rather than places of relaxation and joy. The consequence of this work with students is poor quality of knowledge, the inability to apply it in practical life and work.
By this studying becomes only for the purpose and not for the personality of an individual and the whole society in which an individual lives. Taking into account the advantages of exemplary teaching and many others such as: increased student activity, rationalization of time, introduction into independent learning, encouraging students’ creative abilities, critical thinking, observation, and others, we want to verify and validate its benefits with this work, to offer samples of the methodological transformation of content in my environment in elementary school and the types and parts of content that can be realized most successfully through exemplary teaching. Innovative work in the form of exemplary teaching will contribute to the changed role of teachers and students in relation to traditional teaching.
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