
  • Rahim Gadžić
  • Enes Ravkić




competences, teachers, teaching, attitudes of teachers


The paper presents the results of examining the teacher`s opinion on which competences they should possess in order to successfully perform the roles of necessary for the realization of content and achivement of the goals of the education.

The aim of the study is to examine and determine which competencies should be possessed by (teacher, profesor) in order to successfully implement teaching contents and golals and tasks of education in the society of the future. We are interested in who plays a major role in their development, on which level of competence are teachers working with children and what measures are proposed in order to raise them to a higher level of existing competences. In this paper we used the method of theoretical analysis and survey research method, and out of the insturments we used a questionare we made for the needs of our research. The sample of respondents consisted of 110 teachers of class and subject teaching from the area of Tuzla canton. The results of the research have shown that teachers have all kinds of competences that they should develop with their students (cognitive, emotional, social, work-action, moral, aestethic and ecological), that higher education institutions dealing with teacher education should be taken to develop teacher competencies and institutions that deal with their professional development throuhg various forms of lifelong education. In addition, the results have shown that the exisitng teachers` competences, due to rapid social, scientific, technological, cultural and other trends, are not always high, and should be constantly improved. Proposals suggested by the respondents relate to the following measures: individual and collective professional development, research activities, attendance at seminars, symposiums, workshops, and other types of activities.


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How to Cite

Gadžić, Rahim, and Enes Ravkić. 2017. “TEACHER COMPETENCES NECESSARY TO WORK IN TEACHING”. NIR 1 (11):15. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2017.11.15.


