
  • Aleksandar Radulović Internacionalni univerzitet Brčko Distrikt



brand, competition, strategy.


The characteristics of the brand, such as quality, innovation, differentiation, country of origin and familiarity are important drivers of performance of a brand. However, the contemporary business conditions in the global marketplace is characterized by the trend of technology convergence and equalization of functional and qualitative characteristics of different brands. In such conditions, the differences in performance of different brands in the global market can no longer be interpreted only in terms of their quality and functional characteristics. Quality and innovation are necessary, but not sufficient conditions to create sustainable global market relevance.

A quality product must be differentiated compared to the competition. And when it is functionally the same it has to be done different. Without distinctive and distinctive identity is not successful and a strong brand. The brand is necessary to differentiate through its real, and through its emotional value.

High quality and well-differentiated product must be made known to the market. Anonymity can not be the measure of success. Successful and strong brand by its nature can not be anonymous. By using the integrated and coordinated marketing communications, brand identity created is converted to the desired brand image. When the conditions are fulfilled quality, differentiation and familiarity, for the long-term prospects of successful and strong brand it is necessary to provide the quantity and continuity of its availability in the market.

In its competitive profiling, the company can choose between three generic competitive strategies and competitive focus: differentiation, low cost or specialization.



No successful and recognizable brand without a competitive and differentiated content benefits and the value of coverage for the final consumer. Affordable brand positioning, marketing purposes, can not be carried out only on the basis of interest and costs of the company, but primarily on the basis of interest and willingness to pay the final consumer. Therein lies the reason for the existence of competition.

Honest brand is a brand with a strong tradition at and a clear set of values that reflect on their consumers. It can be perceived as a family brand, old-fashioned brand or original brand. The link is realized with consumers may be identified with a link that distinguished member of the family has with its neighbors. You can run only on the basis of interest and costs of the company, but primarily on the basis of interest and willingness to pay the final consumer.

Therein lies the reason for the existence of competition. Honest brand is a brand with a strong tradition at and a clear set of values that reflect on their consumers. It can be perceived as a family brand, old-fashioned brand or original brand. The link is realized with consumers may be identified with a link that distinguished member of the family has with its neighbors. You can run only on the basis of interest and costs of the company, but primarily on the basis of interest and willingness to pay the final consumer. Therein lies the reason for the existence of competition.

Honest brand is a brand with a strong tradition at and a clear set of values that reflect on their consumers. It can be perceived as a family brand, old-fashioned brand or original brand. The link is realized with consumers may be identified with a link that distinguished member of the family has with its neighbors.


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How to Cite

Radulović, Aleksandar. 2018. “BRAND VALUATION METHODS”. NIR 1 (14):77.


