bankarski poslovi, elektronsko bankarstvo, bankarske garancije, krediti, kreditne garancije i bankarske pozajmiceAbstract
Bank operations are very important and complex financial and payment transactions since in banks there are significant financial resources for the realization of economic ventures. Meeting the different needs of citizens and economy entities when it comes to finance, but there are also legal affairs in which banks appear as entities, on the one hand, and various physical and legal entities, on the other. In connection with this, banks have the role ofhavingtheirowncapital, marketedthroughvariousloans, long-termorshort-termcredits to bringthem a safe profit later on.
In thissubject, withbankfinanceweexplainthe division of banking, active and passive banking and neutral banking activities. Also, the most important forms of these activities have been elaborated (credit, eskont, reeskont, lombard, relombard, bonds, mortgages, bank deposit, savings deposit, current account, giro account, letter of credit, bank guarantees, inkaso jobs, safe agreement), their notion, characteristics, as well as the rights and obligations arising from the same subjects of these affairs.
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