
  • Marko Mijatović Fakultet društvenih znanosti dr. Milenka Brkića Bijakovići, Međugorje, Univerzitet „Hercegovina“, BiH
  • Gordana Marić-Antićević Marić-Antićević



communication, types of communication, communication skills, conflict resolution, leadership teachers' management style, the motivation to work


In the modern world, we often encounter the idea that good communication guarantees success. It is proved that professional people who communicate well with their customers accurately and comprehensively, skillfully identify problems . Good communication skills allow qualified personnel to collect comprehensive, relevant and accurate information about client's problems. Such people are better at recognising emotional discomfort in the cli- ent through nonverbal signs. They have clients who are satisfied with the service provided ,who are less anxious about their problems and accept and follow advice and recommendations received, respecting what is agreed.

Communication is a dynamic and complex process in which people send and receive verbal and non-verbal messages to others recognising that this must happen in a way others can understand them. It is a process of sharing thoughts, feelings and messages, especially the process of transferring between people, which must necessarily take place whenever there is interaction. The goal of communication is to convey a message of meaning and understan- ding is achieved through: detection, establishing relationships, helping, persuasion and entertainment.


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How to Cite

Mijatović, Marko, and Gordana Marić-Antićević Marić-Antićević. 2012. “COMMUNICATION IN SCHOOL”. NIR 1 (2):79.




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