
  • Gordana Macanović Novi Sad, Republika Srbija




student, blow, health education


Cigarette smoking and other tobacco products are considered to be aberrant behaviour which is the most common trigger for experimenting with other addictive substances, usually those that are taken in the same way – by smoking. The aim was to determine the smoking habits of students and their impact on health.

Method: In the cross-sectional study, data were collected by using a questionnaire, and 380 stu- dents were surveyed.

The duration of the questionnaire was 30 minutes.

Results: Out of 380 surveyed students in this college it has been found that 135 students smoke (35.5 %), which makes 90 women (65 %) and 45 men (35 %). It is interesting to say that 65 students or 44% started smoking under the influence of society. During this study it was concluded that the average age when students start smoking under 18 years of age. The conclusion is that the number of smokers and non-smokers do not depend on the year of study at college. It can be considered that the number of smokers, by college-age or the year they are in, with regard to the reason smoking is also a standardized and uniform ratio of male and female smokers per year. Students are equally respected and do not respect the ban on smoking in public places, as well as the even number of daily smokers by age.

It is necessary to strengthen preventive work with this vulnerable population in order to reduce this bad habit as well as the number of cigarettes smoked, and educational work within the working team and medical institutions.


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How to Cite

Macanović, Gordana. 2013. “HIGH PREVALENCE OF SMOKING AMONG STUDENTS”. NIR 1 (3):127. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2013.3.127.




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