student, alcohol, health.Abstract
The aim is to determine the frequency of use (and abuse of alcohol), and to take the necessary preven- tive measures not to adopt bad habits and to change already acquired.
Methods. The research is designed as a cross-sectional study on a sample of 380 students. Of the total num- ber of respondents, there were 183 male and 197 females.
Results. Alcohol is consumed by 270 students or 71 %. Under the influence of society, alcohol consumes 140 students, or 51.8 %. 50 % of students have a desire to stop consuming alcohol and only 60, or 15.7 % of them had tried to stop it. The average alcohol consumption does not start at the age more than 16. Men equally consume beer and all other specified drinks.
The most often women consume wine, 65 students or 48 %. Due to shyness alcohol is consumed by 150 students or 55.5 %. 170 students or 62.9 % drink because of concern or distress.
Conclusion. Based on the study it can be concluded that young people today have the wrong values, and that society should take seriously this phenomenon and take active measures to prevent the consumption of alcohol, because this problem adversely affects the health of the individual and society as well. Measures to prevent these bad habits need to be organized and synchronized, and these should involve individuals, families, educational insti- tutions, health services and society in total. Health and educational work with this particularly vulnerable population is of great importance because young people should be paid to improving the health and popularization of health lifestyles.
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