
  • Gordana Macanović Visoka medicinska i poslovno-tehnološka škola Šabac



Student, proper nutrition, health


The goal. The aim of the research is to determine the habits of food students, in the first place reveal irregularities in relation to the number of meals and the type of food consumption.

Methods. This study covered 410 students in the first, second, third and fourth year. The research was designed in the form of a cross-sectional study, and the sample was made by random selection, using a questionnaire with closed-ended responses in different variants.

The results. Of the 410 female students surveyed, 215 (52.4%) and 195 (47.5%) men were women. The largest number of students 166 (40.4%) has three meals per day, and 260 (63.5) students have breakfast. The most common foods used in the diet are meat and eggs (29.9%) of students. Then, bread and bakers 104 (25.3%) students, and very rarely eat fruits and vegetables. Soft drink soft drinks are consumed by 91.7% of students, and coffee is 71% of students. Snacks are consumed by 84.2% of students. Students usually drink around five glasses of fluids of 200 (48.78%) students.

Conclusion. The results show that they are the favorite foods of young meat, bread and pastries, snacks, sweetened drinks. Vegetables and fruits are not popular food among students. Measures to promote proper nutrition must be conceptually designed and applied to the entire society, family, and to include health institutions and all institutions dealing with youth education.


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How to Cite

Macanović, Gordana. 2021. “STUDENT HABITS OF EATING”. NIR 1 (19):39.




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