Knez, KnjazAbstract
The term “knez”- duke, prince (lat. comes) was used to signify the relative of an imperial house, but also a clerk of every degree. During the Turkish ruling, “knežinski knez” represented the connection between Turkish authorities and the people within its region. After the Second uprising, Belgrade Pashalic retained administrative and territorial division from the First uprising; it was divided into nahiyah, “knežine” and villages. They were ruled by Turkish Muselims and Serbian nahyan “knez”. Nahyan “knez” was designated by Miloš Obranović by a special certificate. After 1819 they evanesced, gradually transiting to village serfs. On Serbian request, the Porte gave the rights and privileges to Serbs to take care of the country’s internal governance. Hatisherif from 1830 gave Serbia local government, and Berat gave Miloš Obrenović the title of hereditary “Knjaz”. This title was designed for successors of Obrenović dynasty, by the principle of primogeniture, until the Principality of Serbia was proclaimed Kingdom of Serbia, and Serbian “Knjaz” was proclaimed king. This essay shows original documents of the strongest legal force that prove that rulers of Obrenović Dinasty had the title of “Knjaz”, but not “Knez”, as commonly written and read today.
Вук Караџић, Српски рјечник
Вук Караџић, Историјски и етнографски списи, Просвета, Београд 1969.год.
Гргур Јакшић, „Европа и васкрс Србије“ Београд, 1927. год
Михаило Гавриловић, Милош Обреновић, II Београд 1912.год.
Михаило Гавриловић „Милош Обреновић“ књига трећа Београд 1912.год.
Константин Јиречек, „Историја Срба“ књига друга, Београд 1922.
Прoтокол Шабачког магистрата, од 1808 до 1812.г. Глас.Срп.ученичког друштва, Беогард, 2-ги одељак, грађа за новију историју Србије.
Списи св. Саве
Архив Србије, Р-10 (сретењски Устав 1835) [10] Архив Србије, НС,ф I р 8-869 (Устав 1869) [11] Архив Србије (збирка печата)
Архив Србије (Српске Новине 1882.год. Библиотека)
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