
  • Aleksandar Repić Sombor




Corn, hybrid, fertilization, crop density , irrigation, technological quality


We tested effects of nitrogen fertilizing, crop density and hybrids on maize production in irrigation and without irrigation, with the following characteristics: Three combinations of nitrogen fertilizing (120, 150, 180 kg/ha); Three combinations of crop density (64.000-70.750 plants per ha; 68.000-80.000 plants per ha; 72.000-

85.000 plants per ha); Nineteen maize hybrids in three FAO maturity groups (FAO 390-450; FAO 460-530; FAO 600-670). Based on results from field tests of effects of different combinations of nitrogen fertilizing, and also crop density and hybrids on maize yields, in irrigation and on non-irrigated fields, we can conclude the following. In research, we achieved very important results for science and crop production in general. In average, taking into account all the varieties of research, irrigation had the strongest influence on maize yield. In average, in three combinations of nitrogen fertilizing, maize yield was higher by 1330 kg/ha in irrigation, comparing to no irrigation. In average, in three different combinations of crop density, in irrigation yield was higher for 1470 kg/ha, and average yield of nineteen different hybrids higher for 3240 kg/ha, comparing to without irrigation. Nitrogen fertilizing shown different influence on maize yield. On experimental field with irrigation, maize yield was increasing with more doses of nitrogen fertilizer used. Nitrogen fertilizer dose of 150 kg/ha gave 1120 kg/ha greater average yield then nitrogen fertilizer dose of 120 kg/ha, and nitrogen fertilizer dose of 180 kg/ha gave just 160 kg/ha of yield more. In experiment without irrigation, in all variations of nitrogen fertilizing, maize yields have not been significantly different. In combination of nitrogen fertilizing with dose of 120 kg/ha we achieved increase in yield of 280 kg/ha then fertilizer dose of 150 kg/ha and greater by 190 kg/ha then nitrogen fertilizer dose of 180 kg/ha. Crop density of hybrids had shown strong influence on maize yield both in irrigation and without irrigation. When crop density increases, in both assortments, maize yields also increase. With the highest crop density (75.750-85.000 plants per ha) of experiments in irrigation, yield we achieved was higher for 1004 kg/ha comparing to the smallest crop density (70.750-75.000 plants per ha). In same conditions without irrigation difference was 640 kg/ha.   In irrigation, maize yield was between

11.46 t/ha-17, 92  t/ha, and without irrigation was between 10, 29 t/ha-14, 24  t/ha. Hybrids  with longer vegetation period had the biggest average yield (15, 18 t/ha) in irrigation (FAO 600-670). Average maize yield of this FAO group was 1130 kg/ha higher then FAO 460-530 and higher by 1110 kg/ha then hybrids with shortest vegetation period (FAO 390-450).


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How to Cite

Repić, Aleksandar. 2016. “EFFECTS OF NITROGEN FERTILIZING, CROP DENSITY AND HYBRIDS ON MAIZE YIELDS”. NIR 1 (8):49. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2016.8.49.


