
  • Nenad Đurić Univerzitet Džon Nezbit, Fakultet za biofarming, Bačka Topola
  • Goran Jaćimović Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad
  • Aleksandar Repić Sombor
  • Anica Repić SGS Beograd




wheat, varieties, grain yield, sewing term, sewing density


Wheat varieties mutually differ by components of yield, therefore research programs investigate every single variety and establish parameters for yield, components of yield and grain quality for each of them for different seeding densities, in order to determine the optimum sowing density.


A variety itself, without the full implementation of agritechnical measures of production (sowing – i.e. satisfactory crop density, care and harvest time) can not provide the desired high yield. Particular attention regarding the use of agricultural technology should be paid to the basic elements of sowing, primarily the time of sowing (deadlines), and the determination of appropriate seed norms corresponding to sowing dates.


This investigation encompassed 33 plots, at four different locations (agricultural companies Sombor, Backi Brestovac, Srski Miletic and Feketic), and considered the economic justification of increasing seed quantity under conditions of delayed sowing, and analyzed grain yield depending on sewing time and sowing density for currently leading varieties in Serbia in production during production year 2015/16.


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How to Cite

Đurić, Nenad, Goran Jaćimović, Aleksandar Repić, and Anica Repić. 2016. “EFFECT OF SOWING TIME AND CROP DENSITY ON YIELD OF CERTAIN VARIETIES OF WINTER WHEAT”. NIR 1 (10):87. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2016.10.87.


