information and communication technologies (ICT), teacher, teaching competencies, education, distance learningAbstract
Modern technological achievements in the time we live in contribute to a faster and more efficient flow of information of a social, family, business, psychosocial and global nature, and very significantly affect changes in all spheres of life and social relations. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are becoming a phenomenon that effectively contributes to global changes in society, community, family, business environment and global social relations. On the other hand, today's ICTs are an integration segment of people's everyday life (they become a life aid), communication and participation in the social community, business world, family, education and in every other human dimension of life. Education is one of the key pillars of society, and modern ICT significantly contributes to its systemic development and global improvement. Specifically, modern ICTs become a serious factor in the educational process at all levels and introduce systemic, conceptual and organizational changes of a positive character into the complex teaching process. Through this expert work, we want to highlight the importance and need for more intensive use of ICT in the educational process, in order to follow modern trends and technological achievements, which contribute to the development of education in the broadest form. Of course, we would like to emphasize new challenges in the field of professional teacher competencies, cooperation between family and school, management of educational institutions and systemic support of competent government institutions (competent Ministries and Pedagogical institutes).
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