marketing, management, human resources, strategy, education, markets, institutions of higher education, higher educationAbstract
Investment in human resource development improves the human capital of the country, increasing the level of employment, as well as the level of earnings, which consequently leads to a better standard of living. European standards have encouraged the development of human resources through investments made in the education sector and training system, employment, small and medium enterprises and regional development. It is evident that within the chain of human resources development the institutions of higher education must occur as an unavoidable and very important link.
However, the growth in the number of higher education institutions also manages to intensify competition among them, so that nowadays all higher education institutions are forced to increasingly apply the principles of marketing and management inherent companies in order to survive in the market. Higher education institutions in the process of introduction and implementation of new programs, as well as the exclusion of existing for which there is no demand, should be guided by market needs. Higher education institutions are entering a phase when the market analysis is necessary along with the application of marketing concepts in planning their growth and development.
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