insult, criminal law, criminal offense, humiliation, honor, reputation, mediaAbstract
The crime of insulting to most theorists consists of the following elements: the existence of statements dis- paraging statements disparaging need to refer to a specific person, the declaration should disdain to learn from someone, statements disparaging the objective point of view should be similar to that may harm the honor and repu- tation a person, and disparaging statements should be taken with intent. These elements, together with the other con- stituent elements of the general concept of the offense (and mental consciousness or awareness of the possibility of illegality), represent a common constituent elements of the crime of insult in the event that any of these elements does not exist, the crime of insulting not exist in any of its forms.
A felony offense occurs in two to form in as ordinary as a public insult and outrage. The commission of the offense ordinary offense can be simply defined and understood as a statement of contempt. It goes without saying that here disparaging statements taken in the broad sense of the word. Unlike ordinary acts of commission insults as the basic form of the offense, the act of execution of public defamation as a severe form of the work, consisting of, or in what way the special funds expressing contempt of another person (disparaging statements is undertaken thro- ugh the press, radio, television and similar funds), or that it is a special place take belittling another person (dispara- ging statement at a public meeting). When it comes to the country's immediate environment insult as a criminal offense exists in the Criminal Laws of Serbia and Croatian, and does not exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mon- tenegro.
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