Integrity, responsibility, police officialAbstract
The work of the Police in a democratic society needs to be aimed primarily at the Rule of Law and laws, where a police official carries out in a professional and efficient manner his role of implementing the law. However, an important base for implementation of the law is well established integrity and high professional responsibility in all activities during performance of tasks and duties. Police officials are obliged to carry out the tasks and duties entrusted to them in a lawful, professional, moral, conscious, honest and responsible manner. This means all actions, contacts and interrelationships between the police official and those members of the society – citizens who expect, request and use the help of the police, as well as those citizens who are subject to police processing. Therefore police work must be carry out in a lawful and professional manner along with high level of integrity and responsibility in work. This paper shows actions and behaviour of police officials in a democratic society and their responsibility for professional performance of assigned tasks and duties.
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