practical experience of the Police of Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina
disciplinary procedure, police, police official, first instance decision, final decision, police boardAbstract
Based on provisions of the Law on Police of the Brcko District of BiH, which came into force in 2007, the Police Board is acting as an independent and self-sustained body in the Police of the Brcko Dis- trict of BiH, which has the competence of a second instance body. The Police Board is competent to deci- de upon all complaints which are envisioned by the Law on Police officers of the Brcko District of BiH, and upon any other decisions or actions undertaken or not undertaken by the Police, and which are related to the status of police officers in accordance with this Law and bylaws.
During the work, actions are presented which refer to the course of the disciplinary procedure (with an emphasis put on the Police of the Brcko District of BiH), i.e. actions from the initiating of a disciplinary procedure, its conducting, bringing final decisions in the first instance by the Disciplinary Commission and in the second instance by the Police Board. A special view of the Police Board as an authority and the body and its work in general is given; this also includes handling all actions predicted and second instance verdict decision making which makes the disciplinary procedure concluded.
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Dekleracija o policiji članom 10. takođe propisuje da „pripadnik policije protiv koga su preduzete disciplinske mere ili kome je izrečena kaznena mjera ima pravo da uputi žalbu nezavisnom i nepristrasnom sudskom tijelu“.
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Pravilnik o disciplinskom postupku Policije Brčko distrikta BiH, mart, 2008. (14. 02. 2013.)
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