
  • Урош Тадић
  • Драган Цветковић Универзитет у Новом Сад Педагишки факултет у Сомбору




ICT, education, university study programs, special didactics, student survey


Today there is cooperation on a global level and everyone is welcome as a collaborator. This global standard is reflected in education so that ICT becomes the backbone of the educational infrastructure and is incorporated into the educational paradigm. Europe mandates that student and teacher mobility is almost mandatory. Our intention was to analyze and identify similarities and differences between two countries that should simultaneously introduce modern ICT in their educational programs. With a historical overview, contemporary research comparing study programs and the opinion of students, in this paper we present a comparative overview that identifies the potential for cooperation and mobility between Serbia and Slovenia. Today's students are "digital natives" in both countries, and in the paper we present the differences through their attitudes and opinions. We limit the research to students of educational study programs at three universities in Slovenia and one in Serbia.



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How to Cite

Тадић, Урош, and Драган Цветковић. 2023. “ICT IN EDUCATION BETWEEN SERBIA AND SLOVENIA”. NIR 1 (22):95. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2023.22.95.


