
  • Esad Čović Velika Kladuša Bosna i Hercegovina




development, firm, restructuring, infrastructure, modernization, conflicts, disappointment, de- struction


In this science-learning topic matter we tried to research the establishment and development of a once economy giant “Agrokomerc” from Velika Kladusa which was formed back in 1963 in the village of Maljevac – Republic of Croatia, not far from Bosnia & Herzegovina border (west side part of Bosnia & Herzegovina). Former SOUR “Agrokmerc” was established by the agricultural cooperative Agromerkantilija, and it experienced its biggest development expansion during the reign of Pozderac brothers who had a very good relationship with the former chief executive of the agricultural cooperative Akgromerkantilija, Mr. Fikret Abdic, who they helped to integrate the one-time commerce business Agrokrajina into a unique business investing a enormous amount of funds and fixed properties (department store and another 24 facilities in which they used to sell various materials, vehicles and other property). By means of integration in those days and by the appointment of high politics, he officially received its commerce name “Agrokmerc” which was registered in the pre-war Law on economic companies as joint-stock- company.

Back in the 80's, an enormously fast expansion and development of the food industry capacity began, in- cluding manufacturing systems and sale facilities across former Yugoslavia and the export of finished products in more than 57 countries across the World. This form of expansion during this period was very common and normal all until the affair outbreak and the disclosure of illegal financial bill dealings without coverage. In this topic we explored the causes and problems of the business firm and we offered the management of the firm a new form of firm restructuring and we also offered a modern form of operation adapted to the technologies of modern manufac- turing and selling of finished products. Naturally, we didn't waive certain discrepancies and misunderstandings in the pre-war expansion process with the former executive within his firm's management structure or better said, con- flicts that occurred during the expansion of the firm, its ups and downs. Researches show the actual management attitude of Agrokomerc (joint-stock-company) towards the assets and workers who fight for their rights and a lot of discrepancies and conflicts inside the firm (conflicts between workers and managers) that occur there.


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How to Cite

Čović, Esad. 2014. “HISTORY AND STRATEGIC AIMS OF THE ‘AGROKOMERC’ COMPANY AND THE MANAGER’S ROLE IN ITS EXPANSION”. NIR 1 (6):97. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2014.6.97.


