
  • Alma Damjanovic The International school of The Hague, Netherlands
  • Darko Dražić Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače i poslovne informatičare – Sirmijum Sremska Mitrovica, Republika Srbija




dyslexia, students, teachers


Dyslexia is a problem facing many students in education. Unfortunately, it seems that they are still an unknown medical alternatives that would reduce the challenges of cognitive processing, which are present in dyslexia. For that reason, teachers are obliged to adjust their instruction for dyslexic students. One of the main adjustments that need to be done, is the way to show dyslexic students how to read and write. There are many sollutions developed to successfuly solve this problem. This paper summarizes the problems faced by dyslexic students, and the ways in which teachers can adjust their instruction to accomodate these problems.


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How to Cite

Damjanovic, Alma, and Darko Dražić. 2015. “DISCIPLES WITH DYSLEXIA”. NIR 1 (7):93. https://doi.org/10.59417/nir.2015.7.93.


