rhetoric, oratory, law, justice, righteousness, speech, speaker, discussion, dialogue, techniqueAbstract
Law seeks to regulate the world and social conditions of life and work of people in their mutual relations. The law is a human discipline, among others, because the law teaches how to get to the truth and justice, or fairness, how to protect rights and freedom. That is why the lawyers’ speech is in the function of a noble cause, because it is professional, generous and what is most important based on legal arguments. Law and lawyers should strive to order, which change and give meaning to the society of which they are a part, too. So for lawyers is important to say that when they speak they must not leave any doubt or space for assuming their conclusions, of those addresses. From lawyers, as good orators, is expected to link the normative legal content and the reality in which they can express themselves. Legal rhetoric should not only observe as a way of expressing the legal content of speech, but also as a way of interpreting the law and justice. The importance of that debate and interpretation of rights develops to the area of legal rhetoric, which goes back into the character and it is rightful place, especially in the education system of lawyers. Legally speaking contains a great extent all other rhetoric, because it is not oriented just at one time, one side of human life, but equally multifaced and focuses on the past, present and future.
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