production, distribution, transportation, modern technologiesAbstract
The area of industrial production of final products of national economies, especially in highly developed countries, in addition to the continuous increase of production organizations, is characterized by the increasing technological integration of disaggregated work processes into a single complex and production system. Within this system, the most common is the automatic control and automatic control of all work processes. The increasing use of standardization is taking full advantage of mass production. With continuous improvement and new technology, the development of commodity production continues. This method of mass production is increasingly characterizing the business organizations of national economies of economically highly developed countries as well as developing countries. In contrast, transport rationalization measures are often not given sufficient attention and given insufficient importance. Although the rationalization of transportation is already sufficiently known today, both theoretical concepts of transport chains and technical preconditions for realization, nevertheless, such rational measures are often applied in partial areas of the transport economy. The paper presents new technologies used in modern transportation.
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