Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Putin, power, transition, democracy, politics, law, economyAbstract
Russian Federation illi Russia is a country that stretches over vast expanses of eastern Europe and northern Asia. With an area of 17,075,400 km of the Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It covers almost twice as much land from Canada, China, or the United States. By population is the seventh in the world after China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. Once the most prominent republic of the Soviet Union, Russia became an independent state after the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991. After the transition from communism in the modern world democratically oriented country with a de facto semi- presidential system and Vladimir Putin in the role of President of Russia managed to overcome transitional “children’s diseases“ and overall be found in the top of the world power and the inevitable polotiĉko legal decision-makers.
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