Ethics of publication

Resolution of unethical practices

Any individual or institution may at any time report to the editor and/or the editors knowledge of violations of ethical standards and other irregularities and submit credible information/evidence in order to initiate an investigation. The procedure for verifying the presented evidence is carried out as follows:

- the editor-in-chief makes a decision to initiate an investigation;
- during that procedure, all evidence is considered confidential material and presented only to those persons who are directly involved in the case;
- suspects are given the opportunity to respond to the accusations made;

- if it is established that an irregularity has indeed occurred, it is assessed whether it is a minor offense or a gross violation of ethical standards.

Minor violations, without consequences for the integrity of the work and the magazine, for example when it comes to misunderstanding or incorrect application of journalistic standards, are resolved in direct communication with the authors and reviewers, without the involvement of third parties, in some of the ways, for example:

authors and/or reviewers are sent a warning letter;
a correction of the work is published, for example, in the case when sources that are cited in the text in the prescribed manner are omitted from the list of references;
an erratum is published, for example, if it turns out that the error was caused by an editorial mistake.

In case of a gross violation of ethical standards, the editor-in-chief / editorial board can take various measures:

publishes a press release or editorial describing the case;
officially informs the affiliated organization of the author/reviewer;
withdraws published works in the manner described under Withdrawal of works;
imposes a ban on publication in the magazine for a certain period of time;
submits the case to competent organizations and regulatory bodies in order to take measures within their jurisdiction.

These measures can be applied individually or simultaneously. In the process of solving the case, relevant expert organizations, bodies or individuals are consulted if necessary.

When resolving ethically disputed procedures, the editorial office is guided by the guidelines of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

Preventing plagiarism

Politeia does not publish plagiarized works. The editorial office starts from the position that plagiarism, i.e. taking other people's ideas, words or other forms of creative contribution and presenting them as your own, is a gross violation of scientific and publishing ethics. Plagiarism can also include copyright infringement, which is punishable by law.

Plagiarism includes:

verbatim (word for word) or almost verbatim downloading or intended, in order to conceal the source, paraphrasing parts of the texts of other authors without clearly indicating the source, in the manner described under Author Responsibilities;
copying equations, data or tables from other documents without properly indicating the source and/or without the permission of the original author or copyright holder.

A manuscript in which clear indications of plagiarism are found will be automatically rejected. In the event that plagiarism is detected in an already published paper, the paper will be revoked (withdrawn) in accordance with the procedure described under Withdrawal of Papers.

In order to prevent plagiarism in the journal, the manuscripts are checked. The results obtained from the check are verified by the journal's editorial board in accordance with the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

Withdrawal Policy

In case of violation of the rights of publishers, copyright holders or the authors themselves, publication of the same manuscript in several journals, false authorship, plagiarism, manipulation of data for the purpose of fraud or any other abuse, the published work must be revoked.

The paper can also be revoked in order to correct serious and numerous mistakes that cannot be covered by publishing the correction. The revocation is published by the editor-in-chief / editorial board, the author(s) or both parties by mutual agreement.

A retraction takes the form of a separate paper that appears in the contents of the volume and is editorially classified as Retraction or Retraction. The original paper is still preserved in its unchanged form, with a watermark on the PDF document on each page indicating that the article has been retracted.

Retractions are published according to COPE requirements developed by CEON as the publisher of the database.