
  • Valentina Vasiljević
  • Kenan Galijašević



oral hygiene; oral health ;students


Good oral hygiene affects the prevention of many diseases, which are often not related only to the oral cavity health care. Oral hygiene is related to the entire body. The most common oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontal disease are the result of among other things. Poor oral hygiene that attack the young population is often. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of knowledge students about soft sediments, dental plaque, the importance of oral health , and hygiene habits, including students aged 18 to 30 years. The study involved students in the municipality of Doboj. This study was performed in October 2016 at the University Medical School of Health in Doboj. The study covers students health care, first and second year, male and female. The study instrument was questionnaire. There is a significant difference in oral hygiene mouth and teeth according to gender, and the level of knowledge about the importance of oral health. Research has shown that, regular dental examinations is rare (20%), and that students often visit a dentist only in the case of pain (53.3%). The highest percentage of respondents do not know what is dental plaque (60%), or which causes the disease(63.3%). Students have noticed that the bleeding is symptom of gum disease (76.6%).


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How to Cite

Vasiljević, Valentina, and Kenan Galijašević. 2016. “KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF ORAL HEALTH”. NIR 1 (10):107.


