Language section, speech eventsAbstract
The aim is to emphasize the importance of language sections in fostering a wonderful speech of students. When we say the tabs section, we think first of all, on the section formed from the pale of Serbian language, and to the poetry section, literature and drama. The paper set two hypotheses, first read: "Students who go to language sections have better school performance," The other reads: "Students who go to language sections read more (book reading), have higher gond words and better express' . The tasks of the work are to determine how many students attend pve section and compare their school achievements in Serbian language with the achievements of students who do not attend these sessions. Were used descriptive methods, techniques were used techniques of observation, interviewing, testing and operation of the pedagogical documentation, and of the instruments used in the camera, questionnaires combined type, knowledge tests and diaries of teachers in the school. From the population of the town of Bijeljina A sample of 104 students from the third to the fifth grade of elementary school "Knez Ivo od Semberija" Bijeljina, regional department Koviljuše. The survey was conducted in December 2016. After conducting the research, it was concluded that during this session the students are preparing for performances at school events but primarily takes care of nurturing a wonderful speech of students, mainly beauty and cultural expression.
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