stečajni postupak, gospodarstvo, likvidacija.Abstract
Bankruptcy proceedings have become common in our economy. A number and severness of these cases are often covered by the media, whit alarming commentaries. The real problem is not in the number of bankruptcies. On the contrary, what really damages the economy is the fact that there are those which had to start bankruptcy proceeding, but are still on the market. According to the data from the Finance agency in the period from October 01.2012. to December 04.2015., the largest share in the total number of bankruptcies in Bosnia and Herzegovina has his capital Canton Sarajevo. Even though on the October 31.2016., the total amount of unexecuted bankrupcy payments in all counties is lower than the year before, 40,3% of reported unexecuted bankrupcy payments are located in the Canton Sarajevo, as expected considering it is the center of the largest number of businesses. Launching the bankruptcy proceeding in due time gives the best chance to company to continue the business, not just the attempt to cover the losses and his liquidation.
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