
  • Tarik Nuhanović Internacionalni univerzitet Brčko Distrikt



globalization, antiglobalists, state–nation, colonialism, pandemic


The notion of globalization in many elements is layered and extensive, so it is not easy to even list all the spheres of its application, as well as the ways of manifestation. The multidimensionality of the definition of globalization is difficult also because it is not a condition, but a process, so the difficulties with its precise definition are related to the rational attitude towards that process. After analyzing the most famous definitions and theories of globalization, the author concluded that it is significantly related to the deterritorialization and reterritorialization of socio, economic, political and cultural space. Globalization brings with it coercion, ie. compaction of space and time, which causes an increase in interconnections, greater speed and permeability of communications between people. The market is significantly increasing, customs duties and other import barriers are being abolished, and more favorable conditions are being created for the development and growth of domestic economic entities. Procedurally, it is part of the natural development of humanity and it is impossible to stop it, because every stop is a movement backwards, into backwardness. According to other theorists, the meaning of globalization has the opposite meaning, it is an economic process of planetary domination of big capital. But that's not the worst. Globalization is a process of value and cultural unification, and this shows us the destruction and disappearance of the identity of others, for the domination of the identity of big capital. In this process, first the identities of small nations disappear, then everyone else, it is against the basic requirements and assumptions of human life and human society. Finally, globalization is, according to the author, a complex and contradictory process, because it enables the expansion of mutual dependence and the deepening of social ties of various conditions in modern life. Which position to choose?


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How to Cite

Nuhanović, Tarik. 2022. “GLOBALIZATION – A CURSE OR A BLESSING”. NIR 1 (20):7.


