Food, Meat, Milk, Poultry, Cereals, VegetablesAbstract
Food safety means safe and healthy food along the entire food chain „from the field to the table”, which includes the production, processing and storage of food, and transport and marketing. Food placed on the domestic or international market must be safe for consumption and of good quality and must not cause disease to humans. This has become one of the unconditional requirements when it comes to food trade. Food safety is an essential feature in the overall care of human and animal health and the environment. The importance given to this segment is shown by the fact that a number of regulations have been adopted at the European Union level that seek to regulate the handling, production, trade and storage of food, with the aim of preventing foodborne diseases and food poisoning. Food safety includes procedures to be followed to avoid potentially serious health risks. Food can transmit diseases from one person to another, and food can serve as a medium for the growth of bacteria that cause food poisoning.
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