International Criminal Law, International Criminal Court, PoliticsAbstract
Law and politics are inextricably linked and are essential to one another in order for the international crimi- nal law to be applied , but are in constant conflict in which politics has prevailed and limits the rule of law. In con- nection with the above matter, the scientifically proven fact is that despite the great efforts of the international community to create the conditions for the prosecution and punishment of offenders, through various forms of coo- peration, the rules of international law are grossly violated and threatened as well as human rights which are protec- ted by international system of legislation. Therefore, policy i.e. politics is one of the strongest obstacles for the smo- oth development and establishment of international criminal law. However, it should be borne in mind that political activities, besides the fact that they represent a degree of burden for international criminal law, at the same time encourage its development. Regarding all the above, this paper is dedicated to showing the relationship of political influence on the functioning of the international criminal tribunals.
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