
  • Šaban Nurić Internacionalni univerzitet Brčko Distrikt
  • Hamdija Muratović Predsjednik Udruţenja stečajnih upravnika u F BiH



democratization, definition, law, state, documents, society, freedom


Democratization, liberalization and the definitive globalization of world politics, legalpolitical systems and ultimately the impact of everything on life and quality of man, the citizen as an individual, has provoked, and provokes the daily necessity of discussing and seeking answers to the innumerable questions that themes cause.

Democracy as the ideal of human society and embodying the same in all segments of organization and the rule of law through institutions that make up the state will for a long time be on the wall of insufficiently answered and clarified issues. All universal documents through the historical development of human society will continue to be only a visible trace of the development of democratic societies and states in which the rule of law, through the ages and in the future, passes through different shifts of its strength and thus strength and human freedoms.


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How to Cite

Nurić, Šaban, and Hamdija Muratović. 2017. “GENERAL QUESTIONS TO LEGAL-POLICY SYSTEMS”. NIR 1 (11):85.




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