Upbringing, education, educator, educator, minorAbstract
Process of education is not exhausted in the mere deliberate and planned transmission of knowledge,
skills and values, but takes place in concrete circumstances with the participation of the educated and educators. The educator imparts knowledge, skills and values in accordance with his capabilities, and the student receives them again in accordance with his individual capabilities. Finally, there is the environ-
ment (society) in which the educational process takes place, with all its possibilities and impossibilities. That is why education is always a creative act. Education in a broader sense also includes education. While education in the narrower sense emphasizes the value component, to that extent education is the process of acquiring practical knowledge and skills, training for work and life tasks. The issue of possi- bilities, conditions, factors of development and formation of minors, i.e. individuals, as one of the basic problems of pedagogical science, has always been and is today the center of attention and interest not only of narrow pedagogical circles but also of the wider public. This is quite understandable, because the role of individual factors in the development of minors will depend on what importance and place will be given to this or that factor, and accordingly, in which direction the educational or pedagogical activity will be oriented and directed. The basic factors about whose role and importance in the development and formation of the personality of minors experts differed or agreed on were related to upbringing, heritage and the role of the social environment.
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