
  • Rade Lazić Osiguravajuće društvo. Sarajevo
  • Hašim Mujanović Načelnik općine Zavidovići
  • Ismet Šabotić Internacionalni univerzitet Brčko Distrikt



transition, reform, public administration


Governance reform is among the highest political and social priorities. Theoretical and comparative analysis of governance in transitional, post-communist countries, with which Bosnia and Herzegovina, to a greater or lesser extent, shares a number of political, historical, cultural and traditional determinants, can contribute to BiH’s efforts to find its way to democratization and development towards the EU through public administration reforms. BiH’s progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration requires thinking and defining the elements of public administration reform in countries in transition, in order to draw conclusions about the possibilities of designing and implementing political, social and economic governance reform in our country. To speak about the reform of public administration in the context of sociopolitical and economic transition is of particular importance primarily because of the topicality of the topic covered.

In this paper, we bring a comparative political study on the political process as a precondition for public administration reform, as well as the content of reforms and the development of ideas and institutions of state administration in transition countries, with an emphasis on BiH.


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How to Cite

Lazić, Rade, Hašim Mujanović, and Ismet Šabotić. 2020. “TRANSITION AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM”. NIR 1 (16):35.




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