: emotions, stress, war, sexual violence, traumaAbstract
The assumption that with the signing of the armistice after the armed conflict, peace was created, is a misperception in reality. Society after an armed conflict can be as dangerous and violent as it was during a war. Emotions dominate: fear, hatred, anger and desire for revenge, and they spread very quickly from the direct perpetrators to all persons of the same nationality, while such reactions are very difficult to lose but they are quickly created, easily spreaded and generalize.
Motivation and will are important for coming to reconciliation between peoples who have been in conflict. Mentioned willingness is a subjective psychological category and is necessary for reconciliation to occur. One possible form of war strategy is rape and other forms of sexual abuse. The work of psychologists with this category is complex, confidential, and requires a pronounced sensibility, because this is where we enter the intimate field of personality that is traumatized and where there are usually different mechanisms of personality defense.
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