
  • Behrudin Mehmedović ABE-BAU D.O.O. Cazin



Concretes, aggregates, granulometry, iron, economic characteristics


For the selected source of aggregates, make an elaboration of the source (photograph of the quarry, equipment, all existing certificates for stone and aggregate, recipes and test results). Based on the existing granulometry recipe, calculate the participation of individual aggregate fractions according to EMPA and Fuller's curve and create the final granulometric curve.

Make three samples of standardized cubes for testing with 340 kg of cement /m3 based on finished concrete. Perform an assessment of the compressive strength of the concrete. After 28 days, test the test cubes for pressure and calculate the values for: from point no. 1-18 as follows.

For the purposes of this work, I used resources from the Maidan "Podići" Međudražje. I used the documentation that I obtained from the Horizont company in the preparation of the report. I carried out the practical part of checking the characteristics of the aggregate and making the recipe, as well as checking the mechanical properties of the concrete in the laboratory for testing of the building materials of the Bihać Technical Faculty.

At the end of 2004, the company "Horizont" carried out a project of detailed geological research of dolomite at the site "Međudražje", municipality of Bihać. Based on that project, the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry issued Decision Up/I number: 07-18-247/05 dated June 20, 2005. year, where the company "Horizont" geological research on the mentioned site with turning points A, B, C and D and their coordinates (in the attachment there is a photocopy of the subject Decision).


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Zlatar i Hasanović., „Betonske konstrukcije II“, Građevinski fakultet Sarajevo Evropske norma (EN)

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How to Cite

Mehmedović, Behrudin. 2023. “CONCRETE AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES”. NIR 1 (23):129.


