Municipality Rozaje, tourist resources,economic development, evaluationAbstract
This paper provides ratings for tourism potential, cultural heritage of Rozaje, where special attention is paid to the value of antropoghenic structures of old houses characterized by residential-defense, folk architecture (Ganic tower, preserved chalets), religious objects, monuments from NOR-a etc.
Thanks to a very good tourist-geographical location and attractive qualities of relief climate, water and bigeographical resources. Rozaje municipality has very favorable geographical conditions for tourism and tourism products. With a wide range of religious buildings, monuments of NOR-1941-1945, and environmental and land- scape activities rozaje municipality has very favorable conditions for tourism and economic development. However, the tourism industry of Rozaje in the present period is developed in adccordance with available resources and their specific characteristics. It is characterized by short rise and long stagnation and backward movement.
The successful evaluation of tourism potential should be expected through the implementation of develop- ment plans of Rozaje, in which tourism will be positioned as one of the priorities and key objectives of its economic development.
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