human right, individual, person, freedom, justice, responsibilityAbstract
This paper is intended to raise and problematize the issue of the relation between an individual and a person, on the one hand, and the human right, on the other, as well as the consequences resulting from the theoretical and practical ambivalent attitude of the right towards them. We consider that both this relation and the problems that have come out of it are important for the development of the human right, the individual as a whole and the entire society.
The paper examines the difference between a person and an individual (a person as an individual and an individual as a person), as well as the dilemma about a need to opt for an individual or a person. It points out that a person is fundamentally defined by freedom of will and all fundamental freedoms, which have been justified in political practice from antique times until today. Due to the fact that social and private life are permeated by politics, a person takes part in political events by expressing political will. Therefore, the awareness of the freedom of will, knowledge about its exercise, and the knowledge of the human rights are necessary.
Having in mind that the source, as well as the outcome of law is freedom, freedom of will and freedoms that reflect the mutual influence of human rights, individuality and personality.
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