car, system, ABSAbstract
When it comes to telematics in the road transport system, it's really a combination between intelligent control centar and automotive computers, which need to ensure that the fluent flow of traffic and at the same time to make him safer and environmentally cleaner. Telematics is a term that can have different definitions depending on the market or sector in which it is used, so the telematics also a term that implies the use of a computer for control and monitoring of remote devices or systems. In road transport, the term remote devices that are controlled and monitored include both solo, towing vehicles and trailers. After the equipment of the telematic equipment, currently leading the US, then it follows Western Europe, while at least telematics equipped vehicles luck to the Japanese market and if this market is a role model in the field of mobile communications and consumer electronics. In many European countries are currently working on the development of national telematic systems.
Telematics is a technology which is made up of information and communication technology, which combines the technological areas of telecommunications and informatics. Telematics systems in vehicles can be used for different purposes, such as collecting data on the drives, management of transport processes, tracking the location of vehicles, retrieving stolen vehicles, providing services to provide information to drivers about the path of the vehicle and the like. In the market there are a large number of manufacturers of telematics system and other companies that provide services of this type, and because of that occurring products of different options and price. This is why it is important that when choosing suppliers of this equipment consider their product as a whole and that is that when decisions are not made based on the attractiveness of the equipment in the vehicle or external appearance, but it is necessary in the selection of components and types of telematics system to consider all the options that they offer.
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